April 26th, 2022 - Excess Flowering
Whitewash application:
For a successful application, its recommendable that:
1.- Make a mixture of 50% white latex paint and 50% water.
2.- Stir the mixture with a stick (or better yet, a drill with a paint mixer) until it’s combined and smooth.
3.- Lightly brush off the truck to remove soil or any debris that might get in the way of the paint.
4.- Apply the paint evenly on the main trunk and branches trying to avoid painting the leaves. Use a generous amount in order to cover the area very well. A few leafs will get painted, that is ok.
5.- Let the paint dry up and apply extra paint if needed. *Make sure you do not over spray the tree, the application should be a “light treatment”. Heavy applications can cause a delay/stunt tree growth until the paint wears off (which is months unless it rains) due to a lack of photosynthesis.